A charming spot nestled between mountains and lagoons, renowned for its culinary heritage. Its signature dish, the arepa e’huevo, is famous throughout Colombia, drawing lovers of Caribbean cuisine. Luruaco offers rich natural landscapes, with highlights like the Laguna de Luruaco and San Juan de Tocagua, serene places ideal for those seeking peace. Here, traditions and folklore are lived authentically and at ease, with proud locals always ready to share their culture with visitors.
322 728 1697
Carretera La Puntica #Km 5-1DPL N5611 Vereda la puntica
323 221 9152
Km 1 +50 Vía Luruaco - Barranquilla
316 541 2425
Calle 3 #2-19 San Juan de Tocagua
318 459 1739
Calle 2 #3A-16 San Juan de Tocagua
310 683 1102
Carrera 2 #1-140 San Juan de Tocagua