Tesoros del atlantico

Fritos 7 polvos

Seven Flavors of the Caribbean in a Single Bite

The iconic Empanada 7 Polvos is a must-try for those seeking an authentic, character-filled dish. It stands out not only for its striking name but also for its irresistible blend of seven types of fish: manta ray, toyo, sea bass, dried lisa, goatfish, tuna, and snook. Served with the famous salsa matadora and a refreshing corozo juice, it’s a true taste of the Caribbean.


Luis Avila Pérez

Carrera 9 # 13-32 Corregimiento La Playa

313 537 7804


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Jugo de corozo
Jugo de corozo
Empanada 7 polvos
Empanada 7 polvos
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