Tesoros del atlantico

Totuarte Mokaná

A Piece of Mokaná Culture

Totuarte Mokaná is a brand that celebrates the rich Mokaná Indigenous culture through handcrafted totumo products. From fruit bowls and soup bowls to keychains, each piece is crafted with dedication and respect for ancestral traditions. Founded by an artisan who grew up in the region’s fields, observing and learning from his father.

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Jesús Manuel Meza Viloria

Calle 7 #3-90

318 704 7403


Imagen de comercio 2
Imagen de comercio 3
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Jarrón florero 1
Jarrón florero 1
Jarrón florero formas 3
Jarrón florero formas 3
Jarrón florero tortuga 2
Jarrón florero tortuga 2
Llavero totumo 4
Llavero totumo 4
Llavero totumo acordeón 2
Llavero totumo acordeón 2
Llavero totumo búho 5
Llavero totumo búho 5
Llavero totumo pájaro 3
Llavero totumo pájaro 3
Recipiente decorativo totumo
Recipiente decorativo totumo
Totuma y cuchara 1
Totuma y cuchara 1
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