Tesoros del atlantico


The joyful heart of Atlántico


A place where culture and art are threaded into everyday life. This municipality boasts a rich musical tradition, especially with wind bands that enliven its festivities and events, keeping the Caribbean festive spirit alive and vibrant. Its vast culinary offerings are iconic and representative of the region, including specialties like plum, almojábana, chicharrón platter, pasteles, and guandú, among others. It also stands out for its skill in textiles, offering a wide variety of high-quality garments.

Enjoy Baranoa and everything it has to offer for you

Get to know its treasures, you will not regret it.

Imagen de tesorito
Historic Museum of Baranoa (MUHBA)
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Pastel de Pital de Megua
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Sancocho de guandú de Sibarco
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Campeche Plum
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Almojábanas from Campeche
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In Baranoa there's talent

Meet those who bring the Treasures to life.


We tribute the Treasures of Atlántico by creating the first digital monument

With visits already, we are looking forward to yours